But it’s only in recent years – thanks to the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) – that we are starting to build proper systems to help organizations gain valuable, actionable insights from the information their content management systems contain.

As content management systems are evolving into smarter, modern, intelligent and intuitive content service platforms, it is important for organizations to understand how to turn their business information into valuable knowledge.

The DIKW Model

The DIKW model (or pyramid) is a way for us to understand how we move from data (D), to information (I), to knowledge (K) and finally to wisdom (W) with a component of decisions and actions.

It is a model that looks at various ways of extracting insights and value from all kinds of data such as small data, big data, smart data, fast data, slow data – and more. The model is often depicted in the shape of a pyramid to reflect the hierarchical flow and is therefore sometimes also known as a data-information-knowledge-wisdom hierarchy.

Practical applications

The DIKW model is one of several ways to define, illustrate and explain the various forms of data and information that an organization has, offering up possibilities by which stakeholders can transform this into valuable business knowledge.

From an information systems perspective, Microsoft’s Project Cortex is built on the DIKW model and uses a new level of AI to empower end users with better insights and knowledge to make their digital workplace applications smarter.

Internal versus External Knowledge Management

In this age of remote and collaborative working and communications, having a rudimentary content management system, which requires manually tedious administrative tasks to be carried out, is simply not enough.

Users should efficiently be able to access business content from desktop and mobile devices, regardless of where they are based. They should be briefed or trained by the organization on how the ways internal and external Knowledge Management is practiced.

Internal Knowledge Management is all about integrating all internal digital workplace and line-of-business applications in a centralized Knowledge Management platform and presenting relevant knowledge in context to the employee engagement tools available.

External Knowledge Management, on the other hand, is all about presenting a subset of internal knowledge to external users (e.g. self-service, B2B support, etc) without needing to rewrite existing documentation entirely.

Why use intelligent Knowledge Management tools?

Leveraging intelligent Knowledge Management tools, which are supported by AI, will enable users to retrieve relevant information smarter, quickly and efficiently; thereby saving time, costs and resources that would otherwise need to be invested in manually tagging metadata to classify content.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help your organization use the DIKW model to convert your content into knowledge intelligently.

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