Cognitive Search Services

Optimize how your business information is utilized with the power of OpenAI and Elastic Search platforms

Overcome the challenges of inefficient information retrieval processes

Implementing Cognitive Search solutions can help alleviate information retrieval problems by providing intelligent and streamline access to information, find insights, reducing search time, and improving overall productivity.
Employees spend 25% of their time searching for information.
Average time for knowledge workers to search and gather information stored across various systems and repositories.
30% potential increase in productivity by utilizing advance search and knowledge management tools.
Potential increase in productivity when using improved search and knowledge management tools.
Unleash the potential of your business informations with cognitive search Shadow Card

Introducing Azure Cognitive Search

Azure's intelligent search solution revolutionizes the way you find, extract, and leverage insights from your data. Take the first step towards a more intelligent, efficient, and data-driven future with Azure Cognitive Search. Proventeq's Azure experts are ready to help you build search applications that can be embedded into your business process applications.

Why Proventeq's Cognitive Search services?

Leverage a transformative capability beyond the capabilities of a traditional search engine, seamlessly integrating multiple data sources, offering automated tagging, personalize and enhance employee experiences, and lower operational costs.
Increase productivity

Eliminate the need to switch between applications and avoid wasting time on repetitive tasks. The consolidated search data tool streamline business processes and enhances overall efficiency.

Effortless discovery

Uncover valuable information from vast amounts of your structured and unstructured data. Gain deep visibility into your data repositories and extract meaningful insights in an instant.

Intelligent relevance

Harness the power of OpenAI's language processing to deliver search results that are highly relevant, contextually accurate, and tailored to your intent.

Harness your data and maximize benefits with Cognitive Search Services
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Unleashing the power of inter connected-insights with Cognitive Search Services. Shadow Card

Seamless integration

Our Cognitive Search solutions can be easily integrated with your existing data sources, knowledge graphs, and applications.

Customizable and scalable

Meet your specific needs with flexible customization options. Scale effortlessly to handle massive datasets and peak workloads.

Enterprise-grade security

We make sure our OpenAI and Elastic Search platform solutions are built on the secure and compliant platform, providing robust safeguards for your valuable information.

Our offerings - start your journey with Proventeq's today!

 How can we help to meet your organization's specific need? We have the expertise to help you optimize how your business information is utilized with the potential of AI through a range of offerings for your organization including:

Consulting and professional services

We offer support for information architecture design, solution development, performance optimization, and best practices for integrating AI into existing systems.

Cognitive Search services

We utilize Open AI & Elastic Search platforms to enhance search experiences - build search applications that can be embedded into your business process applications.

API access

We can integrate OpenAI's language model directly into your applications with  different API plans based on free trials, pay-as-you-go, or enterprise-level subscriptions.

Pre-built AI solutions

We enable implementation and customization of common use cases such as chat bots, virtual assistants, content generation, sentiment analysis, or language translation.

Managed AI services

We provide expert managed services for Cognitive Search services - infrastructure management, monitoring, and scaling for optimal performance, security, and availability.

Support and maintenance

Proventeq's technical support and maintenance services, can assist you to resolve your system issues with different service-level agreements (SLAs) to meet specific requirements.

Digital Engineering with Generative AI - webinar

Transforming your monolithic Dot Net apps With Azure, Generative AI and Prompt Engineering.


Discover expert techniques, best practices, and step-by-step guidance to make the most out of your applications.

ransforming your monolithic Dot Net apps With Azure, generative AI and prompt engineering actionable insights webinar
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Unlock real business value for your organization

Proventeq's cost-effective Cognitive Search services can benefit your organization in various ways.
Security and compliance

Our solutions adhere to industry standards and regulations, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your business information.

Developer-friendly tools and APIs

Proventeq's easy-to-use SDKs and APIs can simplify the integration and management of your applications.

Scalability and performance

Our cloud infrastructure ensures that your applications are scaled seamlessly to meet your intent regardless of the number of requests.

Pre-trained models and customizations

We can easily fine-tune and train language models on specific datasets to address domain-specific requirements to enhance the capabilities of your apps. 


Replace legacy chatbot with Microsoft Copilot studio to enhance efficiency

Modern RPA tools and Microsoft platforms like ChatGPT, generative code tools, and Copilot can be customized for Microsoft 365 with the potential to significantly enhance your workflows and process automation - create chatbots, build apps, run workflows, and more.
Find out more

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