03 Sep 2021
What is ROT Data and How You Can Manage It
ROT Data is Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial data. ROT data can consist of unneeded duplicates of documents and files, content that doesn't need to be retained for regulations or record-keeping requirements, and obsolete records that have outdated information or have been superseded by new content.
11 Feb 2022
6 min
Toby Lethby
Business Analyst
The problem with ROT data can be:
Data security risks: The more data you have in the database and servers, the harder it is to protect it. Decluttering ROT data allows you to understand what data you have and prioritize its security.
Productivity loss: When people in your workforce correct work that is already done using obsolete information, not only is this counterproductive but time-consuming.
Compliance risks: When it comes to GDPR compliance, it requires careful tracking and disposal of your customers or clients' personal information. You will also need privacy policies that disclose how the data is collected, stored, and disposed of.
So how can you manage your ROT data?
Organization! By using a workable taxonomy for your data. To help with this, you can create a set of definitions, labels, and groups so you know what data you have and where to find it.
Having a set of best practices or procedures in place for purging those obsolete records and trivial data will also help keep your storage and maintenance costs lower and keep your data secure.
Proventeq's Content Analyser identifies your data and any ROT data you may not need. The Content Analyser uses Power BI tools to see how much to migrate, remove duplicate content, and reviews metadata, taxonomy, structure, and security permissions, giving you an in-depth discovery and analysis of your system before migration.
Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you to eliminate the ROT data that is holding you back!