Build the business case for migration to Microsoft 365

We can help you create a clear cloud migration strategy
Your technology and infrastructure is probably one of your biggest business expenses, but also one of your most critical assets. Any changes to your technology stack need to be be carefully considered and planned.
Therefore, before you start your cloud journey, you need to build a robust business case and clear strategy for Digital Transformation success.
Developing a business case for your migration to Microsoft 365 with Proventeq will provide:
Comprehensive review of existing environments
Initial environment design based on insight
Build a financial plan for migration & support
Take technical considerations into account
Align your technology with business goals
Proof of concept options for testing
Cancer Research UK
Proventeq were incredibly thorough and patient throughout a very large and complex project. They took a great deal of trouble to find out about our business area and understand the implications that these changes would have on us.
- Liz Woolf, Project Manager, Cancer Research

This project is saving us about $100,000 in licensing annual costs, 20TB of storage, and countless hours. Proventeq is a team of professionals that I would recommend any time, for similar projects.
- Sorin Bodea, Director of IT Security Operations

Gain leadership buy-in for your plans
Foster support from your finance team

Increase security compliance
Accelerate your M365 adoption

Start your cloud migration success story today with Proventeq!