Knowledge Enablement

Empower your teams with the knowledge and insights they need, using the apps they use every day
In the wake of the remote working and digital work revolution, modern knowledge management gives employees streamlined access to the information, expertise and insight they need to do their jobs wherever they are working.
Create a consistent experience for your employees and customers

Connect your teams with the knowledge, experts and insights they need

Improve operations and save through improved governance

With reliable information, it’s easier to do things right the first time

When we speak to clients still working on legacy content systems, they often talk about disconnected silos of information, labour intensive and error prone data entry, manual metadata and taxonomy management and compliance concerns. Sound familiar?

DIKW model pyramid

You need DIKW. Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. The essential model for successful Knowledge Management upon which our intelligent solutions are based.

As Microsoft Project Cortex and Viva Launch Partners we developed our Knowledge Management Consulting Service to seamlessly deploy a working DIKW structure to your business data and turning content to knowledge using Viva Topics powered by AI. Through our consultancy we will identify taxonomy and improve critical interactions, transforming your unstructured data into actionable insight for your business. 

Proventeq's Knowledge Discovery Service

Our dual top-down and bottom-up design approach following workshops and focus groups alongside in-depth intelligent analysis, restructures and organizes institutional knowledge to empower your users to do more.


Knowledge Management Service v5


Book a free Discovery Workshop

Uncover the untapped insight locked inside your business.

Retrieve relevant information smarter, quicker and more efficiently; saving time, costs and resources that would otherwise need to be invested in manually tagging metadata to classify content.


DIKW Model with titles  



In the spotlight: Kemper

We’re calling it a knowledge hub...More standardization, more control, better access, and room for growth within one platform."
Dernea Michaux-Davis - Director, Legal Operations
View case studies
kemper logo

The Kemper family of companies is one of America's leading specialized insurers.


Migration from iManage to SharePoint Online

More insight and information about knowledge management

Stay at the cutting edge of content services

SharePoint Syntex

Introducing SharePoint Syntex-as-a-Service

Expertly setup content services that work the way you do with Proventeq's knowledge management experts by your side.

Swoosh Curve
Ready to uncover the untapped wisdom in your business data?

Speak to our content experts today to see how we can help your business achieve more